We are being mobbed by Rose-breasted grosbeaks at the cabin. The other day I counted 7 babies crying on our deck railing to be fed by their parents. It's wonderful to see, but they are becoming little bullies at the feeders. I had to hang some new feeders in back of the cabin so the chickadees, nuthatches and finches could get some food. Take a look at my gang...
Isn't this guy a dashing fellow?
How many grosbeaks do you count in this photo?
A fat baby!
A baby fluttering his wings so his parents will see her and feed her.
Feeding a demanding baby....
And finally an evil grosbeak.....
Ears and Tails – Lions, Leopards and Cheetah
4 days ago
They ARE pretty, but I guess you could have too many at one time!! Send them down to MS.
Your photos are great Shelley!
He does look very serious.Better keep that food coming,I'd hate to see what would happen if you didn't. :)
Shelly: What a wonderful treat for the eyes.
How neat, Shelley... But I guess the Chickadees and other birds don't much like the 'invasion'... The Grosbeaks are beautiful birds though....
Great pictures.
These are really beautiful birds. I've never seen one. We do get the black-headed grosbeak, but he doesn't visit me very often.
Sure looks to me like that is what he is said.Beautiful!
I counted a half dozen of the little hungry babes...what a pleasure to watch for now. They will soon be leery of such close attention.
Those were the best photos!! I can still remember the day I saw one of these for the first time at my feeder when I was still living in Ohio. I ran inside and Googled "bird with red on its chest" to see what it was. I was so excited. You are a lucky girl!
Fun post! Seems to be a bit of urban overcrowding going on at the feeder. I love the first and last shots.
They are pretty, but glad YOU got em! They are MEAN to my cardinals!!
Uh, you can send some down here??? :c) I've not seen one all summer! They are beautiful.
Wonderful post! I never get to see the babies here. The adults just pass through in May and I don't see them again until the following year. Maybe you could hang some of those wire type feeders for the "hanging" birds and these guys wouldn't use them.
I just love those baby birds!
Little beauties. Expensive beauties, no doubt; but beauties lol
Love those Rose-breasteds. We get just a couple males in the spring for a few days, then they disappear. But I see a lot of Black-headed Grosbeaks. The babies are coming too. Nice post.
We don't have these in KY :/
Great pictures, I love to see them feed the babies.
Oh thank you for sharing this adorable babies! We had no Grobeak visitors at our feeders this spring, very unusual.
I love each of these shots, but especially the baby fluttering his wings waiting to be fed. We get a kick out of watching the babies waiting for food AND trying to figure out if it is safe to go in the bird bath!
There's no way to have too many RB Grosbeaks! I am so jealous. We get a week's glimpse during migrations and that's all. Thanks for sharing yours.
What a neat "little" family! How fun to watch all of this up close.
Great pictures!
That last one sounded like a threat to me, Shelley. HA HA! :D Great pictures!
I've photographed baby robins but never seen a grosbeak before - adult or juvenile. These are very colorful and yes, all offspring can be demanding at times.
What a show! Your very luck. I had just one pair hanging round this summer.
Great shots! I wish I could see them!
Whew! That last guy is a bit scary! I'd keep those feeders full if I were you! :) Great series of photos, Shelley.
That's a great bunch you got there Shelley!
very beautiful photo; bravo
Fantastic photos Shelley! How lucky to have a whole family lined up on your deck railing.
I like the evil grosbeak! Funny Shelley. They are sure bright and distinctive, aren't they?
Excellent Shelley!! Let's the fun continues ;-)
A really great post. I love your Loon photos from your last post also!
I have only had one pair here this year, and I was ecstatic to see them. I guess you can have too much of a good thing, though.
I just love your photos...and the Loons are beautiful in your older post!
such beautiful photos I'm so glad i found you!
Lovely! Fat baby is adorable!
...hahaha! Love that last shot with the e-vil glint in the eye! How cool to have so many babies around!
Loved these pictures Shelley..they are adorable birds!!!! Even though they are pigs. ha
Lovely series with some extreme closeup, Nice.
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