Sunday, June 6, 2010

Surprises at the Log Cabin

If we are strong, and have faith in life and its richness of surprises, and hold the rudder steadily in our hands. I am sure we will sail into quiet and pleasant waters for our old age.
-Freya Stark

First surprise - seeing a fox for the 1st time in my life. She had a few kits with her too. We definitely locked eyes through my cabin window. I bet she could see me smiling....

2nd surprise was having baby Robins hatch in the eaves of our log cabin. Anytime I made a sound on the deck, 3 little heads would pop up looking for food.

And my best surprise........was my Loons coming back to our lake. I believe they are going to try to nest again. And I'm going to do whatever is in my power to help them. I am looking into getting an artificial nesting raft for my Loons as well as buoys to protect them. More on that later......but can you hear my heart singing once again? :-)


Linda said...

I enjoyed gazing at your wonderful photos of fox, loon, bird nest. I like how you captured the sparkles in the water on the loon and the wonderment in the fox's eyes!
Thanks for sharing,

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can hear everyone's heart singing over the loons' return! Best wishes! That fox is amazing and how sweet the baby robin is. What nice surprises this weekend.

Shelley, I introduced Gigi at Afterthoughts blog to your blog today. She lives in GA also and you would love her photography as well. It is

The Retired One said...

Yes I can, my friend! I just KNEW those loons would return and try again..because your positive karma brought them back..they felt it, I am sure.
Look at that intense stare that momma fox has as she locked eyes with you! An amazing shot,Shelley..just captivating!!! Loved all of these shots!

holdingmoments said...

Wow Shelley. Three superb pictures there.

Ms. ~K said...

Three surprises for you, three amazing photos for us!!!
How exciting...

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Oh.wonderful.I hope the Loons are successful this time.

Steve said...

I like the idea of the nesting raft. I hope it works.

Janice K said...

What a marvelous day! The fox was so awesome. I see them around here occasionally but they are always so far away and in the shadows of the woods...That is so neat.

The baby robins are so precious, but I know having the loons back was probably the "icing on the cake" for the whole day.

Anonymous said...

Shelley, I'm so happy that your loons came back!

Montanagirl said...

Terrific photos. The Fox photo is priceless. The Loon is beautiful and I hope you can get them all settled in again.

Elaine said...

A trio of lovely surprises! I'm so glad the Loons are back, and hopefully they will nest again. I like the Freya Stark quote.

Soggibottom said...

Pleased to hear about the Loons...
we don't have them over here.
x x x

Samuel said...

That is awesome that the loons are going to return!

Heather said...

Shelley, I CAN hear your heart singing again!! I so hope that the Loons will try nesting again. You baby Robins and mama fox are just too precious... you have new life around you everywhere. Rejoice!
Hugs to you, Greg, Marvin and Scout!

Leedra said...

Saw the fox on your FB, not sure if the loon or the fox is my pick. Still would love to hear the loons in person.

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome shots but I especially like the one of the fox and that look in her eyes. She looks surprised and curious all at the same time. I hope all goes well with the loons!

KathyB. said...

Shelley, the photograph of the fox just mesmerizes me . The eyes, they are penetrating.

I am so hopeful for the loon, and for you.

Peggy said...

What a day! Can't get any better than that! I'm happy for you Shelley! The fox, awesome photo op, especially given your first time, she must have known and approached to make it extra special! The robin chicks, adorable as they are! The Loons making a 2nd attempt! Best news ever! Good luck Shelley!

A New England Life said...

That is some fox! Look at those gorgeous, huge ears! She could probably hear you breathing. LOL!

This post made my heart smile : ) The Loons will not give up, even if it isn't this year, they'll try again next year. At some point you will see those little babies on your lake.

Robins are the best, aren't they?!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Shelly: Wonderful that you saw the fox. I haven't seen any this year but I saw a doe with her fawn this week.

Ginnymo said...

Wow! How'd I miss this post?? Awesome shots Shelly!! That fox is so neat!! What kind is it?? The little birds are so cute and I sure hope that loon builds another nest for you. Great photos!!

Kathie Brown said...

Wonderful surprises and yes, I can hear your heart sing as well as the loons'!

Lydia said...

Shelley - I always enjoy your pictures at the lake! I'm so glad ya'll have a cabin there. I have absolute faith you'll figure out how to help the loons nest there.

A New England Life said...


Did the Loons ever try nesting again, like you had hoped?
