Do you have those one or two birds you are constantly seeking and when you do see it, you are in awe? I call those my holy grail birds. One of mine is the Pileated Woodpecker. Such a shy and alert bird - I can't tell you how many missed photo opportunities I have had with this fellow! I swear, it can hear me breathing even when I'm in my cabin, and if I dare to look at my camera, he flies away screeching in protest. Well yesterday I got my brief moment to memorialize him on film......I was doing the happy dance afterwards. (And of course he was screeching louder than my blue jays through the trees shortly thereafter.) So what's your holy grail of birds to see and photograph?
Waterloo Falls
3 days ago
Great shot and good for you! I think my holy grail would be the Great Blue Heron. So hard to get close enough to for decent photos in this area.
Great shot, Shelley! I'm not very good at photographing birds, so I guess I don't really have one that I've tried to get a picture of. I did see some Baltimore Orioles several years ago which I had not seen before and haven't since, so I guess they would be on my list. :)
Nice shot of the Male! I captured the female this month too.
Great shot Shelly!
We have one of these woodpeckers in our woods but I am never able to get a photo. Geroge & Betsy drove 4 hours to visit us last Monday and I had hoped they could photograph him for us, but he hid from them!!!!!!
Great shot ~ good for you.
This is an amazing shot.
My pileated woodpeckers seem to like me --since he comes to the feeder (and alerts me of his presence)... I have gotten lots of pictures of them...
SO--I guess my Holy Grail bird is the Red-HEADED Woodpecker --since they are so gorgeous --and since I've only seen them a few times...
Hope you are having a great time at the Log Cabin.
Great shot Shelley! I can just see you doing your happy dance. We have a very bad bear problem here. No happy dancing this week.
Very nice! I think the northern pileated is more shy that its southern counterpart. Go down to the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia and sit in the middle of the campground--they are everywhere and not at all shy. Same with the blue heron--I was on a beach in southern Florida where they stood right next to the fishermen, waiting for a meal. But up here, you blink 100 yards away and they take to the sky.
Who doesn't love a Pileated? They are so amazing!
For me I guess I'd love to get closer (or just SEE) an Eagle, or Loon. Both wonderful birds.
I know EXACTLY what you mean, Shelley...he is on my list of wanna-be-shots and everyone I have gotten semi-close to has flown away very quickly! Other bloggers get them to come to their feeders for crying out loud...not ME.
GREAT shot and congratulations. I will live vicariously through your lens. ha
Beautiful shot, Shelley! I am constantly seeking out Sandhill Cranes and have taken thousands of photos of them, many that I love, but I am always trying to get that exceptional dance photo, so I guess that qualifies as a holy grail bird.
Well, you got a decent shot of him Shelley.
I'm still trying for a decent Kingfisher shot. I don't want to sit in a hide, and get one; I'm trying the hard way, outside......and it is hard! lol
Strange, I think I felt this once or twice... A holy grail birdy ;-) Cool name... If i have one... i would say I've tons of them ;-) All these little fellow or nice bird I would love to get pictures off... Despite all your effort, they still move too much to get a decent shot!!
Well goldcrest is one, but nowadays, I've been running after the rare waxwings we have around and did not even find one yet ;-)
You got a nice shot of this beautiful pileated woodpecker, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful woodpecker!
I can't count the number of times I have chased around a Pileated Woodpecker trying to get a shot, they won't let you near. You are very lucky.
That is one for me too Shelley! I once, and only once, had a Blue Grosbeak in the trees behind my house. I got two or so decent shots, but would dearly LOVE to see him again.
Success is sweet!
Congrads on seeing your bird! I know that feeling! I would LOVE to see a cedar waxwing, a scarlet tanager and a painted bunting someday!!
Great photo~ Beth
Great, great picture! I guess my holy grail bird would be any that I've never seen or photographed before. This year I didn't see many new birds around here, and then after being away for a month, it was kind of like starting over. But my little chickadees, titmouse, nuthatch, a couple of goldfinch and couple kinds of woodpeckers seem to be happy that I am back.
What beautiful pictures you take. I am just getting into the picture taking, but like you I believe Michigan offers us a wealth of beautiful views.
Great picture Shelley!
Cedar Waxwing for me!!! That isn't asking too much :)
This is it!!!! and I just had my grateful moment too; I posted it today. I have the female, so I am thinking you'd better tell your guy to get down here ASAP!
Good for you! I hope I get to see one of those while I am on the east coast this year!
Definitely sweet success Shelley. I have only ever seen this species from a distance and then only briefly.
Capturing a half decent shot of a Kingfisher or any migrant Warbler would do it for me. FAB.
LOVE those pileateds. I often see/hear them in our woodlot.
I hear the Pileateds all day around here, and see them swooshing through the woods, but never had a photo op like this!
Awesome capture Shelley! While this bird used to be my holy grail, I've captured many photos of them once we got the high bush blueberries put in. In late summer, Pileated WP's eat more of the berries than we do.
My holy grail bird is the Barrow's Goldeneye. They are always too far away for a good photo.
Thanks Shelley, always a joy to see your bird pics. :-)x x x
They are gorgeous birds...I have seen them on my property a few times..but when I was in the Okanagan I saw two about 2 feet long...they were HUGE!!!
That is a wonderful picture you took....
That is a wonderful photo of it! I see one once in a while, but seldom get a decent photo. I like to see them fly overhead....straight as an arrow towards their goal.
FANtastic! That was a great catch - and so sharp for something you probably had only half a moment to get... ATB!
this is SO mine too!!! i get so worked up i don't know how i get any shots! hehe!! awesome pic!
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