Today my little Chickadee is going to sing the "fee bee" song for you in "B" minor. Please notice how wide he is able to open up his beak to hit those high notes.
He knows you're impressed so he will now take a bow. Encore anyone?
A March Hike
16 hours ago
So very sweet.
Shelley that is so cute I just want to rub his wee little head. Chickadees are one of the cutest birds EVER! HA
That is just too cute!!!
Adorable! I always get tricked with that fee-bee song. A~
Shelley you are so good at this I believe they pose just for you. lol
Shelley, That made my day!Sharon
Are you sure it wasn't Q minor??? And maybe it was an Arpeggio... Ya think???
Looks like he is praying at the end of a song---probably a begger's prayer!!! ha ha
OMG...I don't think he could be any cuter if he tried. Great snap...
Those are the cutest chickadee pix I've seen in a long time!!!
Soooo cute.
so fuzzy and adorable. I wonder if those little birds would be insulted if they knew we thought they were sweet? Maybe they would like to be thought of as brawny and brave, or at least a tough rock star. Oh well, to cute and fuzzy for anything but what we call around here as smoochie!
Clap Clap Clap and Kudos! Thank you for the song and I love that second shot!
Hi Shelly,
The second is simply wonderful...A very nice shot with a very nice attitude. Congrats....
I think I heard him all the way down here Shelley! ;c)
Oh my gosh what a great picture, the one stretching his wing.
So Cute!! It that Sweet Pea??? hahaha!!
Lovely pictures.The Chickadee song is one of the most beautiful spring sounds.
Precious bow :)
So cute! I'm applauding....really I am! Encore! I love chickadees and their little songs. It bows very well! Great photos.
A solo performance, with the most perfect bow!
How absolutely delightful! I love how close you were able to get too. This little fellow looks downy soft. Chickadees are little bundles of perfection, are they not?
He is sooo good. Does he give lessons?
The bowing chickadee is adorable! Love the coloring of the underbelly and the angle of the stick coming into the frame!
Oh Shelly - he is so beautiful!
My confirmation letters were "actegasm" Is that what happened to your little bird after he bowed?
I love the way your birds entertain you. Mine don't take bows at the end.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
cute! cute! cute! Just love the 'bow'.. One of my favorite birds.
cute! cute! cute! Just love the 'bow'.. One of my favorite birds.
Applause for you and the Chickadee!
Lovely photos Shelley! great lighting and detail.
You simply amaze me with your photography of these sweet little birds. I would love to sit on a patio with you and have you give me bird lessons!
You have the unique ability to say so much with a photo and a few well chosen words..unlike me who needs to talk and talk...LOL
Mildred - thank you!
Kallen - I agree! I would love to pet them on the head as well! For now I settle for them eating out of my hands..but one of these days.... Ha!
Mike & Lizette - My chickadee is taking a 2nd bow for you! Thank you!
Andrea - something about that fee bee song that draws us in! LOL!
Benny & Patsy - I like to think they pose for me! I'm making them famous! ha,ha!
Birdgirl - now if I could just train those loons....
Sharon - I'm so glad!
Betsy - I did consider the possibility he was praying - but then he was showing off with that fee bee song so loudly! lol!
Kelly - thanks! And I think they do know how cute they are - they have me trained!
Lynne - thanks!
Sandy - thank you!
Lanny - you're right - they are tough little guys!
Gardener - my chickadee thanks you and he's blushing! :)
Chris - you're very kind!
Jayne - he was singing for your birthday!! :)
Wendy - thanks!
Eve - it wasn't sweet pea actually! Sweat pea has more white on his sides plus I discovered he likes landing on our shoulders more than the other ones.
Ruth - I agree - the chickadee reminds me of spring too!
Cam - they are a little showy! :)
Mary - thank you! He took several bows!
Tina - he was waiting for you to throw roses at him! :)
Carolynn - I think so! :) Their fierce little hearts in that cute little package!
Troutbirder - he does and will be right over to teach your birds a few notes.
Hannibal - I am looking forward to catching shots of them in greenery as opposed to the bare branches - glad you didn't think it looked too bad. i wasn't sure.
Muse - I think so.....hmm....He did look feisty! ha,ha!
Leedra - I'll send him over to you for a private concert!
Jalynn - one of my faves for sure too!
Birding maine - thank you very much!
Salty - thanks so much! I was actually disappointed I forgot the hood I had bought for my camera - thought it would've made for better photos since it was so sunny this day.
Chickadee's do have the cutest calls. Your bowing photo is very cute too Shelley.
OH so cute! That bow is awesome!
Sing it, baby! HA HA! Love the bow! Shelley, you are so funny and so clever. Thank you for the laugh today. :D
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