I keep saying it to myself. I won't like Siskins, I won't like Siskins! I try to remind myself what little pigs they are at the feeder! And how they bully the other birds! And they fight with each other! No, I won't like Siskins!
*Disclaimer: Shelley likes Siskins.
The Rim Trail
1 week ago
HI Shelley,
I think it is well none that cute things do usually have a bad temper, probabl true for this nice and cute siskin :-)
Too precious to resist.
Ahhh Shelly... How could you not love that pretty bird? He looks so Hungie!
Craig Glenn
Yes, I agree they are hogs and bullies!
They totally monopolize my "up-side-down feeder". I do still get lots of Goldfinches too though. So I guess its OK. If you feed one you feed them all!
I like 'em too Shelley!
I think they're just misunderstood...
I haven't seen a Redpoll since Good Friday but the Siskins are still here.
I had never heard of a Pine Siskin until this year. Since I've taken up bird watching as another hobby, they are everywhere. They are quite pretty in flight when you can see the yellow in their wings.
You're out of the No-Siskins closet now, Shelley!
How could you ever not like the little sweeties. They fly in here in droves, have a nibble, say thank you and fly off to do amazing air-o-batics. This tells me Spring is really here. Love love love them. Sharon
Shelly: I think they are a beauty.
In the interest of time (I'm a little low in that department lately) I'll just catch up on this one post.
Your cat is too cute and I agree with him going a little crazy with the honking, me too!
It is hard not to like those pushy crazy wound up little buggers. Dirt wonders why, when the livestock feeding is cutting into the budget so deeply around here, that the freeloading wilders aren't cut loose to fend for themselves, I just shrug and hope he finds something else to concentrate on.
I love 'em too :)
Hi Shelley. They are feisty little guys aren't they? They do eat a lot and are fun to watch as well. Good Photo.
I feel the same way..and when we got this last snowstorm, we have been feeding them because we feel so sorry for them...we have gone thru bags and bags of expensive thistle. My deck has siskin poop all over it..even on our roof where they fly up after chasing each other away! But they peep so cute and to see life out in that white out was wonderful!
The Retirement Chronicles
Awww! I like them. They are so tiny and cute. I have quite a few. Nice photo of it!!
They do have their moments when I like them, but I am way ready for them to leave!!!
That hint of yellow does make them pretty.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Ahhh you're so sweet Shelley!!!
LOL...There is a thistle shortage where I live...are they at fault?
You've got to like these little guys.If it were not for Siskins in winter we would have almost no birds,so I welcome them.
We had lots of siskins this winter, too. Our goldfinches and house finches did find a way to frequent the feeders too, though. Some are better at waiting their turn than others, though. Great photo!
If I ever come to your house I'll be sure to eat light ; )
You still have Siskins hanging around, too, eh? How much longer are they going to stay?!!
...if I could ever see one I'd like them! :-)
This winter they are coming to my back yard...I can feel it (I hope)! Beautiful photo...
Love is in the air and at the feeders. :)
This little man knows what he wants!
*I Donate To Cornell Ornithology!*
Awwww.....he's so cute! What's not to like!? :D
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