Do you have birds that tease you? Well I do! Come meet some of my bullies.....
Why oh why does the Oriole have to hang out in the tops of tall trees, far, far away from me? One good close up photo, that's all I ask....
And this guy! He teases me with his incessant calls. Hush already! Your voice isn't that great!
And come on Mr. Purple Finch! Can't you look at the camera for one second so I can get a full frontal shot of your handsome face?
So, who are some of your bird bullies?? :-)
Golden Sunrise
2 weeks ago
Brown Creeper blows raspberries at me all the time!
Lovely photos Shelley! Try putting out a small container with grape jelly in it for the Orioles. They love it. Orioles come to our feeding station which is only 3 feet from our picture window. They love the grape jelly (Gray Catbirds love it too).
The sparrow hawk is too fast! Pfuitt!
I had 2 Buffleheads that I could never ever get close enough to. It is a long walk around my lake when they were avoiding me!
Your pictures are super to me. I would love to photograph one of our pileated woodpeckers but they are too quick for me!
Those Cowbirds get on my nerves too!!! And you know they deposit their eggs in other birds' nests...lazy bullies!
It's called frank the cat... actually they are magpie's, european robin and even the humble sparrow bullies a dove to get off of "his" birdfeeder.
Great post and photos, Shell!!!
Happy Summertime, our pool has been filled. :D
Hugs, JJ
Great pictures, Shelley, even if they aren't quite what you wanted.
Right now the biggest bully I have is a pesky squirrel. I have removed all the birdfeeders from my decks to try to discourage him, so this afternoon while we were gone, he clawed a whole through my screen-in porch and ended up caught inside the porch. This is the second time within a week he has done this. I don't know what I need to do to convince him that I don't have feed for him and he is not welcome up here. He can have everything he wants down on the ground, plus he has a whole forest in which to find food....He/she probably thinks "I"m the bully."
Great photos, Shelley. I especially love the Oriole. Looks like you got a wonderful shot to me. The mourning doves we have around here tease me by waddling out in the street in front of my car and taking their sweet time to get out of the way. I'm not sure if they are just slow and clueless or if they are risk taking daredevils. (I think it is the first one though.) :D
If you find a way to get the Orioles to sit lower,please let me know.
We were sooo excited--we saw (for the first time EVER!) an Oriole here in the U.P.!!! He flew into our tree,I got a quick picture and he flew away...we never saw him again..we quickly looked up what kind of bird it was as we have never seen one before..he was tangerine..just STUNNING!!! So I was so glad to see your photo of one too! I haven't posted mine yet.
Stellar Jays, Pine Siskins, Grosbeaks, all bullies, but pretty and entertaining anyway!
Great pictures as usual Shelley.
I find hawks are usually big teasers, could they just stay for a minute or two instead of flying away? Great shots Shelley :)
Well--one of my bullies finally has gotten up enough nerve to come to the feeders... I have been searching for our Red-headed Woodpecker for the longest time. Just the past week, that gorgeous bird started coming to the suet feeder. Not I have some pictures of him---FINALLY.
Next, I hope the Northern Flickers will start coming to the feeders more... They haven't heard me calling them lately though..I am still waiting.
Have a great weekend.
Shelley, these are wonderful and beautiful! I just love the purple finch!
Yeh...the Green Woodpecker just laughs and laughs and....! FAB.
Too funny, Shelley! I think your birds have been talking with my birds. I hear the bird songs coming from the trees, and I go out with my camera, but they are all very elusive and yes, they like to hang out in the very tops of the trees. What is that about anyway? It is very hard to focus the camera through all the leaves and branches and get anything but a silhouette. Couldn't they just hop down to a low branch for a minute or two, let us get the shot, and then go on their merry way? I don't think it's too much to ask.
I'm going with warblers in general. Flitting about, hidden by the tree leaves, never sitting still....they drive me CRAZY
Shelley beautiful shots just beautiful. We have a Baltimore that has nested almost right above our heads where we sit in the afternoon. The male comes out of that sack nest like a shot and announces his coming and going but I have gotten nothing but a blur on camera. I'm gonna keep on tryin!
I love the Baltimore Oriole!
Wonderful photos of the birds. I love the Oriole and the Purple Finch is pretty. The birds are always teasing me and hiding in the treetops or behind some leaves.
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