So I finally found one of my "lifer" birds - the Eastern Bluebird. I took close to 30 photos chasing him. All terrible. The only half-way decent shot was this one - and you can see that he is snubbing me. That's okay - still exciting!
The Rim Trail
1 week ago
Oh Shelley, I'm so excited for you! I have several pairs that live here at my house year-round and I'm always wishing I could share them with everyone---I love their call, their antics, everything about them. :D
I love the Bluebirds, great capture. Congrats on your lifer!
WooHoo - good for you! What fun.
How great that you managed to catch him--even if he did give you a cold shoulder. haha! :-D
Congratulations on your life bird! Bluebirds are one of my favorites. Over the spring and summer we were lucky enough to have a few bluebird couples occupy our nestboxes. They are an absolute joy. Love your photo!
A lifer is always exciting. The Bluebirds are so pretty.
Very nice shot! We have had about five or six Bluebirds that come to drink water and then bathe in the watering pan. They are so cute and funny splashing in the water!
Hahaha! He does appear to be snubbing you!! He's so sweet it doesn't matter. Glad you found him!
At least he sat around and let you take your shot. I'd love to see one of these beauties.
Oh! He is beautiful. I wish I could get close enough to one to see it really well. I have to go down to a local park where they are more plentiful.
Always good to capture a lifer with the camera.
Congratulations Shelley.
I can feel your excitment. I finally a some visit last spring. They only stuck around for about a week, but at least they know where I live now.
They are real fun to watch.I put up lots of houses for them around me.
Eastern Bluebirds are really camera shy compared to other birds. They have to be too busy to pay attention to you.
Bet you were having fun (although flustered!). Glad you were able to add that one to the list.
Glad to see you posting again. What luck to have the bluebird, even one that snubs you.
Cute lil bugger.
I was starting to wonder where you had been ;-) I see you've been chasing some nice bird ;-) I would love to see that one...
Hi Shelley!!!! Miss you!
I love that shot though, I think it is so cute the way he is turning his head away from you. And I like the bright color of the red pole.
Way to hang in there, Shelley!! It's a great shot!!
He has that look about him.... I rule around here. I just love the blue-birds. Great shot. You are welcome to dorp by my place"from my little corner of the world".
Congratulations! And it's really a good picture. We just got back from three weeks of visiting the grandchildren in Arizona. And my "lifer" was a roadrunner running down a gravel road in front of me. Seriously.
your friend,
Troutbirder a.k.a "Wily Coyote"
Fantastic capture.
Excellent pictures Shelley, and honestly, the bird is so beautiful that having these pictures will be more than enough for me ;-)
That a beautiful little bird! I think you got a great shot.
Hi Shelley, Just stopping by to say Merry Christmas to you and yours. Miss you!!!
They are cute and I have not done with my birding yet. ^_^ Happy Tuesday and thanks for the visit!
Kim, USA
He looks sweet anyway :O)
You are sooo lucky! I wish one would com evisit me.
Have a great eve ~
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