Once upon a time, there was a girl named Shelley that really loved Loons. Her and her husband built a log cabin on a quiet lake and hoped that Loons would appear. Time went by and still no Loons. However, there was a Loon pair on a neighboring lake and Shelley fell in love with them. She became a Loon ranger to help protect and monitor them. Soon they had babies and all was wonderful in the world. Still...she longed for the day when she could be out looking at her own lake and seeing Loons nearby.
One day when she was out on the neighboring lake, a Loon invader appeared and the pair of resident loons chased him off. Shelley hoped and prayed this Loon invader would find her lake a good replacement. And to her amazement, he came to her lake! Now she needed him to stay and find a mate. The male Loon would sing daily - morning, dusk and sometimes even midnight. Shelley believed he was calling for a mate. Please, please let it happen. And then one day Shelley awoke and hear a "loon racket." She got in her kayak, paddled as fast as she could to the other end of the lake to make sure her male loon was not in trouble. And here is what she found...
The Rim Trail
1 week ago
I love happy LOON Stories!!! Fun to read and visualize.
Sob... that was... sob... the happiest loon... sob... story I ever ... heard. I had tears! You should become a romance novel writer!
Great story. And now you have your very own Loons. Wow!
Congratulations!! Right on your very own lake. Now you are never going to want to leave the cabin. I'm happy for you. Keep us posted.
I can just see you... standing on the edge of the water waving a white flag!!
Yep...you are a loon-a-tic or loony-tunes....:-)
Oh my - that just happened? I always thought the Loons you were showing WERE at the lake by your cabin...
How cool is that! Bravo, Mr. and Mrs. Loon!
Cheers, Klaus
Oops...I forgot...loon-a-holic.
Sandy - thank you!
Wendy- Tears of joy - right? :-)
NC - Maybe I should have stated that nature has lended them to me - ha,ha!
Jessica - I forgot about the white flag! I have to try it this weekend and bring it on my kayak. Maybe I'll wear a white shirt too!
Richard - if I'm a loonaholic - they you are an enabler - ha!
KJ - now I'm lucky to have 2 families to watch!
Birdgirl - hoping all my loon tales have happy endings! :-)
What a thrill to have a Loon on your very own lake. I'll be waiting and watching for his adventures with his new Mrs. Great story
This is a cool "loony" story!
It wonderful that your lake now has its own pair of loons. take good care of them for I'm looking forward to seeing them as they pass through my area next spring :)
Great, great story.
Here's to a happy ending.
Thanks for the visit,
Troy and martha
Jaylynn - hopefully babies are in their future!
Birdlady - thath's exactly what I said when I first saw them together!
Salty - I wish them safe passage when they come by you - take care of them!
Texas - absolutely!
Wow Loon Ranger, your wish came true!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Great tale told!
Your story made me smile and I love the photos too. I was feeling frustrated because blogger is being difficult but your post has cheered me up! Thanks!
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