Doesn't Bob look pleasantly plump? His missus is laying on the nest again which leads me to sadly conclude that the other baby didn't survive and they have laid new eggs.
I have taken down my feeders for right now since that brings the Blue Jays in. I will wait till after the Mourning Dove babies can fend for themselves before I hang them back up. Someone had mentioned on a previous blog post about Blue Jays eating the babies - they don't. They just peck them to death probably due to nest competition.
I am headed out to Tennessee for business and will be back to check your blogs on Monday. By the way - I'm meeting Betsy & Leedra for lunch on Friday! Watch out Ladies - here I come!!!
Arizona February #2
14 hours ago
Have a great trip.
Sounds like you are in for a fun time with those two girls.
Bob is one smart looking dove! Very dapper! Have a great time (other than the business) in Tennessee Shelley.
Bob is looking plump!
Happy trails to you! Have fun!!!
That's a well fed dove! You're start about the feeders. I think it's neat that you are meeting Leedra and Betsy for lunch! y'all have fun!
Oooh, gorgeous jay shot!
So nice to see Bob once again! Probably a good idea to take down the feeders to deter the BJ's from being around all the time.. Have fun on your trip!
You take the best bird pictures! I love these, especially Bob. He's quite handsome!
Have a great trip! Hopefully you'll have some warmer weather than we have had here in MI. Have fun meeting your blogging friends too. How neat!
Shelley, I know you are on your way. I am just SO excited to meet you and Leedra.... WOW!!!!
Glad you are taking care of your Mourning Doves. We have two that come to the deck every day --and munch on the seed which has fallen to the floor. I love Mourning Doves.
Unfortunately, we have lots of Bluejays also... AND Squirrels.... AND Chipmunks.
Have a safe trip.
Nice photo of the Blue Jay. Hope your doves are successful this time.
Hi Shelley,
Excellent pictures and text as usually. I'm dercerning you the Golden Blog award. please visit my blog to know more about it. It was a nice opportunity for me to tell you how much I love what you do!!
Let's hope they have more success this time Shelley.
Have a great weekend. :)
Bob does look like he has feasted a lot, Shell. :D
I'm happy to hear the lovebirds keep trying to hatch babies.
We have robin fluff balls and phoebe babies too. I will try for a pic when they are older. :D
Wild wave!!! Had my book signing and it was great fun.
I'm passing the energy to you so you have a book in your future.
Hugs, JJ
Bob has nice color, I have not seen a dove so close up.
I LOVED these clear...wonderful!!!!
The Blue Jay is trying to look innocent, but we know better. I have never had anything happen bad around the Blue Jays, but I know it had to be very upsetting.
See you Friday!
I am sorry about the other dove..I really was asking around and blue jays don't usually do that..I wonder what was going on..I am swarmed with darn old grackles at my feeders and I am trying to find something they can't get into......
Michelle From Rambling Woods
Have fun! That blue jay is so pretty. Makes you wonder how it can be so cruel!
Nice to see Bob again. Proud looking daddy! Enjoy your lunch - how nice to get together with blogger ladies!
(my word verification is lardy. Okay I'm putting this cookie down right now.)
Love the Bob shot and the Blue Jay. Bob looks like such a proud dad!
Well heck Shelley, wish I'd known, and I'd have tried to join you all! I am only a couple of hours away from Betsy. You girls have fun!
I think Bob is messing around. Sure looks like he's got lipstick on his neck...:-)
Shelley - They are up close and personal, beautiful images. Have a wonderful trip.
My post for today is about that very thing--blue jays raiding nests, that is. Do you really think taking down the feeders would help? Maybe I could try that, but my orioles have moved on. Perhaps I'll try that next year.
Sorry there were no survivors but glad to hear they are trying again. Good idea on discouraging the return of the bad jay, uhh, I mean blue jay.
Bob, yes, you need to get out and fly some laps, pal! And have a great trip, Shelley!!
Bob looks nice and healthy!! Too bad about the other eggs though but maybe this batch will hatch and be okay. Have fun!! Beautiful shot of that BlueJay!!
Bob looks quite healthy and happy :-) Have a great neat to get to meet some fellow bloggers.
Bob is quite the handsome dude!! Looks like he is living the good life..I'm sure things will go well for him and the wife this time!
Do have a great luncheon, are they serving the blogger special?
Shelley, check my blog - there's an award there for you.
Bob had better hide - the hawks would go crazy for his fat self!
Hi, Shelley. Thanks for your comment in which you mentioned predator guards. The new nest box we installed has one of those, and I'm wondering if you waited till the birds moved in before installing that. Our nest box is still empty and I'm wondering if I should take the predator guard off until something moves in (probably not till next spring, now, though.)
Bob is looking fat and sassy! HA! Hope you have a nice time. :D
Shelly: Bob needs to go on a diet, you have been feeding him too much.
I sure hope more chicks are in their future. You'll have to post some photos of them if more chicks appear. If you have done that before, I missed it.
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