I think I told you I named my log cabin the Loons' Nest, right? Some of you already know I'm loony for those loons so did you doubt I would name my cabin anything different?! This past weekend was too cold to go kayaking so I had to settle for hearing them in the distance. There's always next weekend.....sigh.....
But let me share my weekend with you....
Here's my Loons' Nest sign. I had to have my hubby take photos of me in front of it cuz they are going to feature it in Log Home Living Magazine. I tried to make Greg get in the photo - but no luck!
Look inside this tulip....do you see what I see....?
Some of you noted how weak the Robin's nest looked last time I posted it. Well I'm glad to report that mama Robin tightened up the place and it's looking much better!
Here's my chickadee mooning me! By the way the funniest thing happened. My husband and I were standing on the deck talking, and this little chickadee landed on the log post within inches of me and was making a chortling sound and tilting his head at me. It was like he was speaking to me and was very happy. I said hello back and then after a few minutes he went to the feeder. My husband and I now count this as one of my best birding moments ever. Gosh I love these little guys!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Welcome to the Loons' Nest
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1:43 PM
Labels: Black-capped Chickadee, Loons Nest, Robin
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Love the name!!!! And those chickadees, oh my they are something else! Sharon
Hi Shelley,
At least you heard them, so you know they are around and that will be like you said for the next week-end. No doubt you had name your cabine like this. It is a nice name ;-)
Nice shot of the chickadee and the robin which has wells et up his nest.
Awesome photos Shelley! I love the sign!
Awww, just love those little chick-a-dee butts!
My hubby's the same way. You start to take a picture and he puts something in front of his face.
Mmm, sounds like a cozy weekend. I like the sign, and I think the name of your cabin is quite clever. :)
You look so beautiful next to your sign! Congrats on the magazine feature-
Love the Loons Nest sign and the Chickadee butt shot has to be the best moon shot of a bird I have ever seen. LOL, so cute!
It's obvious that the cabin is a great nesting place. The robin has even added natural lace to dress the place up. What a wonderful "Happy Chick" story.
I love your photo Shelley! I thought of you when I read this post. Today while sitting at my computer I heard a commotion outside my window. When I peeked out, there was a Carolina Chickadee, a Carolina Wren AND a Tufted Titmouse all looking in at me!!! It was a very good bird moment!!
Great name...and wonderful pictures too.
Good luck for next weekend then Shelley!
Congrats on the magazine article. What a lovely picture of you by your sign.
So I guess the mooning thing is not to be taken seriously; good to know! And it's a great loon sign, too!
word verif: wingra
That's always a special moment when you feel a connection with a birdie. Great photos! And nice sign.
I'm so glad Ms. Robin made the nest sturdy enough to do the job. Love the chickadee!
Inspite of less than perfect conditions,it sounds and looks like you had a great time.
Nice sign,nice photo of you too!
I know what you mean about the bird moments...I swear the ones we "saved" after they hit our windows come back to visit us...they usually land close and seem to watch us or stop to say hi!
The Loons' Nest is a fabulous name! What a great sign. Congratulations Shelley on your Log Home Living magazine feature - how exciting!!
Love your sign. Congrats on the magazine. And I love your chickadee. I must have been standing by one's nest yesterday because he 'chickadee, dee, dee, dee' ed while flying from limb to limb all around my head, til I finally moved to save my ears. He had a fat green caterpillar in his mouth.
Love the Chickadee Bootie picture!!!
Lovely picture of you too!!!
While on my trip last week one of the guys there is from MN. He lives on a lake, so he started talking about his Loons.
I then shared with everyone info about you, and that you were a Loon Ranger. Well when we left, I was still getting laughs. They still think I am making it up. :D
Looking forward to seeing the article. congrats!
...wow! That is a best birding moment...I'd love to experience that. Beautiful sign and congrats on being in the magazine! You've chosen the perfect name for your cabin (the other name that would have worked could have been "Lucky Duck Cabin"---because you are lucky to have such a wonderful retreat!).
Love that sign Shelley, and the name :)
Good news with the Robin too. Hope she's really successful.
Log Home Living, wow! The Loon's Nest is the perfect name for your place ! Too bad you did not go kayaking but I think my favorite thing would be hanging out in the Loon's Nest anyway.
What a wonderful name and sign Shelley, and how neat they will be featuring your cabin! Chickadees DO talk, don't they? :c)
You are famous!! Going to be in a magazine!!! We use to subscribe to Log Home Living but don't anymore. You'll have to share info about the article!
Very nice sign.
Shelly: They know you well enough to great you before feeding. He doesn't know enough to not give you the butt shot. Birds can be fickle.
Love the name of your cabin. Nice photo of you too Shelly! I love my little Chickadees also and the Titmouse. They seem to all come when I'm at the window and sit there making their noises. I think they do talk to us.. Got to love nature for sure!!
Oh I love your sign, Shelley! When should we look for your cabin to be featured in the magazine? How exciting! Now you need a sign for your kayak that says "The Loon Ranger"!
I just found your blog...I love the mooning chicadee! And I adore chicadees! Great photos!
Almost don't see the wasp (guess that is what it is) in the tulip. The chickadees are the least afraid bird around. Love him mooning you.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Oops...forgot, love the house sign.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Yay, the sign arrived! I love it. And I love your robin. I think ours are nesting in the front hedge this year. We seem to have a mourning dove couple as well, but I can't figure out where their nest is!
What a great chickadee story...how sweet! Please keep us posted when your home will be in the magazine!
Shelley I love the name and plaque for your log cabin home and call me crazy but I also get a big giggle out of the pictures of those feathery little butts mooning you! Also I want to follow your blog BUT I want a picture and I simply am unable to get one the right size for the followers block. I want a picture and not one of those blank heads-any help and wise advice would be much appreciated!
I fully believe that the birds love you so much that you can make them laugh with you, Shelley. That was a fun story.
Shelley, this is great! Now the bed and breakfast has an official name and sign, so you are just about ready to start advertising for guests. We will come for a weekend as soon as you open! Looking forward to one of the kayak trips and your cute chickadee landing on my shoulder. I'll even feed you siskins! Sounds fun, but what do you guys serve for breakfast?
Hee hee..I love the chickadee mooning..So nice that your chicky loves you so much it talks to you!
you look beautiful next to your sign..congrats!
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