I dedicate today's post to Birdlady at Wings n Things http://wingsnthings07.blogspot.com/. I loved her chickadee post on Thursday and it reminded me of the black-capped chickadees that have been so trusting to eat out of my hand up at our log cabin. They are truly little angels!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
((((eating out of your hands!))))WOW!
Shelley, thank you so much for this thoughtfulness! I used to think computers would be our undoing as people with feelings, but it seems that it is just a new way of making friends..And I'm still waiting for my chickadees to eat out of my hand...they have come to my shoulder, and will come right up to me, but no hand feeding yet. (My male bluebird and a nuthatch do though) Thanks again.
I love chickadees. You can count on them to be the first to try a birdfeeder in a new location. Such sweet little birds.
That's sweet! Great dedication!
Cheers, Klaus
Love the photos. Just trying to get the birds to come to my yard, lacking of trees that it is. The feeders are beginning to bring them in. Just not too close to me yet.
Very beautiful pictures of the little chickadees. They are one of my favorites but I have none in my yard. I love watching them when I am at the Chippewa Nature Center in Midland. I laughed at your mooning pictures, too funny.
Naturegirl - it takes a lot of patience - but worth it!
Birdlady - no - thank YOU! I enjoy your site and photos so much! That is funny that the chickadees come to your shoulder. I had a few that would perch themselves on top of my head first - before coming to my hand.
NC - sweet is another great word for them!
KJ - thank you! P.S. I'm having a hard time posting comments on your site - going to try again. Said I had to use mozilla firefox to view - which I did - but still not luck. Just know that I'm visiting and trying!
Birdgirl - Every time I get one to my hand - I am as thrilled as the 1st time it happened!
Christy - thank you!
Leedra - I hope they do come closer to you!
I love chickadees! That's quite an intense look there too!
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