On my kayaking adventure to find my loon family, I saw this duck with her 7 ducklings swimming in the shallows of the lake. This was taken at dusk so I've tried to brighten it up a little bit. Do you know what kind of duck this is? I'm at a loss.
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
I'm pretty sure that's a mallard. The orange beak and legs, plus the blue wing patch with white edges, are characteristic.
Thanks John! I thought so but wasn't sure due to the blue wing patch - didn't realize the female had that.
Yep - I'd go with a Mallard, too!
Cheers, Klaus
I thought it was a Mallard, but with my limited knowledge was afraid to say so. Came back to see what everybody else said. Was glad to see I did recognize it.
If that's one of the ducklings on the right, she's done a good job of protecting them - still has 7?!
Nice shot.
I think its' a mallard too, but I'm not too up my ducks! I don't have all my ducks in a row!
It's a mallard with very good posture. Love your pictures!
To all - I am kicking myself. It's obvious to everyone (but me!!) that it's a mallard. Thank you for your comments and reassurance!
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