My sign of an early fall approaching in northern Michigan has been the increasing activity of the White-breasted nuthatches at my feeders. They've been busier than the squirrels today in storing their nuts. Some of the trees already have the edge of their leaves tinged with red and brown. Today was a crisp, cool day. Fall is coming....
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
I'm seeing little changes here in Minnesota too. Activity at my feeders has gone way up nad I'm seeing color tipping some maple leaves. I'm ready for the change!
My feeders are busier too. I'm welcoming fall!!!
Fall is great for birding - it's what comes after fall that worries me. I get cold and stay cold till May!
My nuthatches were here the other day and picked up some treats but I don't know where they are today.
I like your photos a lot.
Same here in Florida - not from the temps, but if you see Goldenrod, Beggar Ticks appearing, fall can't be far off!
Cheers, Klaus
I can see a fight brewing for the stash!
Coming to work this afternoon I was noticing the leaves were changing here. Not sure if they are dead from the drought (2nd year in a row), or if they are trully changing. Got to make that short trip to the Smokey Mtns.
I didn't know nuthatches put food away for winter. Thank you for this cute little informative post!
Lynne- I'm w/ you - I'm ready for the change too!
Jessica- I agree - come on fall!
Birdlady- you make a great point about fall being great for birding. I hope you stay warm!
Abe - I bet they'll be back in no time!
KJ - looking forward to YOUR fall birding photos!
Leedra - you might be right about a fight brewing! I just hope the nuthatch doesn't have all his hard work undone.
Museswings - all winter I would watch them take the nuts and suet from my feeder and then bang them into the tree bark for later. Very cute to see!
It seems to be coming early here as well but I fear it may be a cruel trick.
Oh I love that photo!! ......where he is looking into the hole of the trunk. Great capture.
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