I love using that word "canuck" to describe Canadians! I just like the sound of it! By the way - why are these geese called "Canadian Goose" when they always seem to be over here in the U.S.? Just my silly question to ponder today.....
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
I can't answer your question about the "Canadian" geese and think they should be called Michi Ganders. It looks like one them has found a tidbit!
Your pictures are just beautiful Shelley. I had to laugh at the Gardener's Garden comment...it took me a minute to figure it out not coming from Michigan!
Did you know that these geese are called "Canada Geese" even in the plural form?? It took me joining a bird club to finally learn that!
You have a great day Shelley!
"Illegal aliens?"
They're much more elegant than other geese anyway, aren't they?
I have always wondered the same thing. Your photographs all captured them so well. They were 'into' you when you took these.
Shelly: Some of the Canadian's definetly have made our area home but not as many as make the complete circuit. You got some neat photos. I love to shoot these geese.
Gardener - I agree - Michiganders!
Eve - Thank you for the heads up - I was always confused about that as well!!
Birdlady - I should've checked their passport! :-)
Hillgrandmom - I agree!
Leedra - I was happy they weren't hissing at me w/ their neck extended like they usually do - LOL!
Fishing guy - shoot them down - or shoot photos?! :-) Just teasing you!!
They used to be an odd and unique sighting until they decided they liked it here so much. As a friend once said about them around the neighborhood pond... "Do you know those things poop cow patties?" LOL!
Beautiful photos Shelley. ;c)
These are great photos!
Your shots are really great. Beautiful! :-)
Love these! These have really good composition/color!
Beautiful series, the 3rd one is the best for me
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