Listen Shelley. I don't appreciate those baffles you put on your bird feeder so I can't get to the bird seed. Now I think you can spare me a few peanuts.

I mean look what happened to St. Francis.....I don't want anything else to happen in the yard.....I'm just saying......
These squirrel dialogues make me laugh...and you really need a new SF
cute images, the 2nd one works for me. I guess you need to buy yourself an off-shoe flash cable to minimize the eyeshine that you are getting
Great pictures. Your imigination is as strange as mine...:-).
Take a kleenez and put it over your flash. Will cut down on the eyeshine.
I do love your stories and that chippy looks darn mad in the first picture. I would be afraid to sleep at night for what might happen next!! Great photos and love your dialogue!
Now you're really starting to get scary Shelley!!!
Is Mr. Chipmonk making you an offer you can't refuse?
Ha! Love it!!
Evlahos - thank you!
Birdlady - glad you like my chipmunk mobster!
T&S - I am having a hard time w/ chipmunk & squirrel eyes....
Richard - I will try the Kleenex - thanks!
Jalynn - he is a devious feller...
Eve - it's getting closer to halloween - must be bringing it out in me - ha,ha!
Birdgirl - I'm seriously thinking about it! Now if I could just figure out my camera....
Troutbirder - exactly! Darn - I should've added that dialogue too!
Sioux - glad you liked it and thank you for visiting!!!
I'm just sayin'. :-D This was so cute.
LOL I like your stories. cute. I think you better go get some nuts lol
Hmmm, if Mr. Wiseguy is capable of beheading, I'd be giving him everything he wanted. Mobsters are vicious! Fun episode!
I'm so glad to see your chipmunk back and can't wait for the next episode. How are the doves doing? I'm so glad to see my jays and cardinals back at the feeders after a long summer absence.
Better keep your doors locked Shelley! sounds like those little critters are plotting some sort of revenge.
Shelly: Neat views of the little chipmunk. I thought he broke the statue.
Your pictures of this little guy make me want to take a picture of one of them too. But with only my phone camera, I just can't get close enough :(
Wow! What did happen to Saint Francis.. better watch out you might find a head on your bedpost! Did the Sopranos watch The Godfather??
Love your monk captions!
Whoops, caught he red handed this time. But he is cute! Don't put him in the stew.
hahahaha...he looks a little determined to get his feed, watch out..I'm just saying, ha!
Funny, funny! and so cute! I use to put out a seperate feeder just for the squirrels and chipmunks when I lived in Maine. It helped distract them from the regular bird feeders!
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