I had the female and male Downy Woodpecker come to visit this morning. I was so happy! They really are gregarious birds and not shy. I was hanging out my kitchen window to shoot photos of them and they just gave me a quick glance and continued eating. I'll feature the male tomorrow.
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
What we won't do for a picture.That is a lovely shot,the Woodpecker at it's favorite spot, at the suet.
Know what you mean, hanging out that window. lol Great shot of her! Very pretty!
I thought woodpeckers were more skiddish than that.
I get these cute little guys and gals in my trees out back. They are such fun to watch. I have to wait until it's a bit cooler to hang out suet - it will melt now and drip all over the mourning doves.
Great photo.
They are terrific birds.
Come visit anytime,
Troy and Martha
PS: Some Alaska Sunday photos are up today.
It's an exercise in HDR Photography.
It's so hard for me to pick favorites but Downy's are right up there for me!! They are so sweet and you are right about not being shy. I've had them land on the feeder while I'm filling it.
Ruth - I'm sure my neighbors all think I'm crazy! :-)
Tina - I just got to make sure I don't fall - LOL!
Leedra - the downy's are pretty tame. But the hairys are shy and the pileated won't let me bat an eyelash.
Muse - you are very considerate of your mourning doves!
Texas - thank you & I'll be right over!
Jess - they are definitely one of my faves too!
Shelly: I never tire of seeing woodpecker. They are so colorful.
She's lovely - nice shot.
She's a beauty Shelley!
I want one of those to visit me!
She is beautiful! Our Downys are not skittish, either. They will come to the feeder when we are sitting on the deck, not six feet away.
Downies are such fun! I'm sure they will appreciate the suet you're putting out for them.
Wow---We haven't seen any Downy's here yet. What a great picture!!!
Looks like its pouring woodpeckers at the feeders...yours and abe's. Well done
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