A flash of red - and voila - the male Downy Woodpecker. My winter woodpeckers are coming pack. Now I'm just waiting for the Red-bellied.
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
A flash of red - and voila - the male Downy Woodpecker. My winter woodpeckers are coming pack. Now I'm just waiting for the Red-bellied.
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10:16 PM
Labels: Downy Woodpecker
I really like the way you set up your photos.
This is a great shot of the male, I spotted mine today but no lady yet.
Beautiful photos Shelley, these guys are year round for me, are so sweet, do you get Hairy Woodpeckers?
He's beautiful. :c)
Love him! Do all of your woodpeckers leave in the summer - we have ours all year...get to see the babies.
Whats really nice about your suet setup, is that the background really adds to the photo with little distraction! And shooting from the comfort of the kitchen window is a big bonus! Nice shots!
Ruth - thank you!
Gardener - I'm she's around - where there's boys, there's girls! :-)
Eve - I forgot about the Hairys - we do get them!
Jayne - thanks!
Birdlady - Actually our woodpeckers are year round - but they visit my feeders much more in the winter!
Hannibal - it seems easier to shoot photos when I'm up north at the cabin - then i can shoot them from our 2nd story deck and not disrupt them as much as when i'm half falling out of a window when I'm downstate. ha,ha!
Most excellent shots of the Downy's. Have you tried home made suet? Done in a snap - and Birds "fly" on it! ;)
Loved the nuthatch, too!
The red-bellies have finally showed up in my backyard again too. They're pretty noisy & I usually hear them before I see them.
Nice Downy pictures! My Redbelly just started coming to the feeder again, but he is eating sunflower seeds and not suet.
As I scrolled down to catch up I saw the dialogue between the cat and chickadee. How cute! meow! Does your cat ever go outside? Mine comes and goes..
I love the Downey's little red hat! Nice pictures! It's cold enough to put suet out today! It won't melt for sure. Brrrrr from Florida!
How beautiful!!! Our suet is still in the freezer but it's snowing today. Soon we'll bring out the birdfeed. We're waiting for the bears to take a long nap.
I ended my fiction short story. :D
Super post!!! I love woodpeckers.
Hugs, JJ
The autumn waterfowl migrations are moving through our area now and our winter songbirds are showing up around the feeders.
These little downies are really cute, nice shots!
KJ - funny you should mention that! I just picked up a birdbook w/ recipes for homemade suet. Do you have any good ones you want to share???
Ruthie - I always think the red bellied sounds like a dog when he arrives - lol!
Jalynn- Marvin is a permanent indoor cat much to his dismay!
Muse - need the temp in Florida to determine your Brrr factor! :-)
Nature - excited to hear about the next chapter!!!
Salty - thank you!!
You don't have them in the summer? I use a suet dough and they bring fledglings to it...I love the red-belly when it stands up to the starlings..
Great, got them both.
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