Hanging around - letting everyone know he's here by chirping non stop!

Here he is with a hunk of suet in his mouth. That's a first for me - never seen a cardinal on a suet feeder before! Have you?

Being chased by baby to feed her! (He didn't cooperate, he was being grumpy and running from her.)
CUTE! I've never seen the suet thing either-pretty cool! Must love the smorgasbord!
Fun stuff! The little ones can get really nasty if they want food!
Cheers, Klaus
Hi Shelley. I'd still love to see a Male Cardinal. You guys are so lucky down there :-)
Colorful fella and beautiful shots
I love cardinals! No matter where I am in the house I can always hear them chirping away outside. I only have a few pairs. I'm hoping that more come around this winter. They are so beautiful but I've been laughing at mine lately with the molting going on. One of mine looks bald right now.
Here's looking at you! Aw, he's not being grumpy - it's time for her to start getting her own food. My cardinals still have three "whiners" but they are being pretty stern ow. Beautiful color.
Tough love is necessary in the bird world too. You just have to cut the apron strings. Great pictures.
Hannibal - I hope to get a better pic of him on the suet - the one I got today was too blurry!
KJ - I listened the that baby chirp for food for a good half hour!
Nick - I will send some your way!
T & S - thank you!!
Jessica - it is nice to hear their distinctive chirp! They become more plentiful in my yard as soon as it snows it seems.
Birdlady- You're right, she's big enough to feed herself - but I did feel sorry for her!
NC - I would probably make a terrible cardinal mother - I would probably feed them to "quiet them down" - ha,ha!
I put homemade suet concoctions out during those interminable Michigan winters - the cardinals loved them. Wonderful shots of those beautiful birds!
YOu get the BEST cardinal pics.
Great photos.
These are great. Still trying to get me a good photograph of a cardinal. Keeps me in the woods.
Here's a true fact: When I worked at Wild Birds Unlimited, I never had a single customer who came in and said, "I'm so sick of cardinals at my feeder.....what can I do to get rid of them?" They were always the #1 bird that people most wanted to attract to their backyard!
(I've seen them eat nyjer seed & peanuts, but never suet either)
He's singing cause he wants you to see how pretty and red he is! And I do believe I have seen Cardinals at my suet feeders before. Cute photos!
Such a beautiful bird. I'm still waiting to really see some colorful birds. The couple I've seen flittered off before I could even raise my camera.
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