I am still having a bird drought. Brief glimpses in my yard, lost opportunities in the park and I won't be at the cabin until this weekend. So I "cherry-picked" a photo opportunity. I know there are mallard ducks at the shopping center pond close to my house so in desperation, I drove out there. (Now if I hadn't said anything, would you have thought it was a nice little pond out in the woods somewhere....??) Making himself more handsome if possible.
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
What a handsome boy! :c) Do you think the other ducks judge him?
Mallards really are handsome birds. I just take them for granted.
Yes we do take them for granted.
I like the little curly feather on his tail.
That's the spirit! If opportunity doesn't knock, go looking for it. Very nice.
Ha Ha Shelley!!
Well, I've always thought the mallard is one handsome bird!!
Looks like my hubby fixed my computer problem!! Now I can visit you! Whooo Hooo!
You sure had me fooled and good for you for making your own photo ops. I'm having the same problems but am so countrified that we don't even have a mall.
A real photographer can always find a way. Very nice photos and good thinking on your part.
WOW...Really cool series of images of this cute bird
Shelly: That is a handsome Mallard and well captured..
Yes - I assumed a large pond on a wooded lot somewhere. He is a very handsome duck. Must look nice for the shoppers!
Good enough for Duck Vogue!
Cheers, Klaus
Jayne- that made me laugh! :-)
Behindthe bins - I'll take them anytime now!
Lynne - I noticed that too on his tail - wondered if that was normal?!
Birdlady - other man-made ponds - here I come!! :-)
Eve - Glad your computer problems are rectified - always enjoy your visits!
Birdgirl - come to think of it - he is kind of acting important, huh? :-)
Gardener - I'm hoping my drought ends today!
Nc - thank you very much!
T&S - glad you think so!
Fishing guy - even if he had seaweed wrapped around him - I was prepared to take a 100 photos - ha,ha!
Muse - Definitely sets a nice mood for shopping!
KJ - yes - duck vogue! Maybe tomorrow's selections will be better!
Isn't it funny how we crave the opportunity to take a picture? This time of year is tough. Not much happening around the yard, so we all have to get in the car and cruise!! Love your mallard.. He's a handsome fella. I stooped to the level of having my dog help me find a subject..on my blog today.
I agree, he is very handsome. Doesn't matter where the photographs come from when they are good. And these are!
Hey, nature is wherever you can find it and it is often found amidst civilization! Good for you! He's a handsome boy!
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