I spent time chasing this butterfly (or moth?!) around my yard trying to get a good shot. They just don't stay still for more than 1 second.
Of course, I'm not able to identify it. I am going to purchase a butterfly field guide this weekend. Until then, is anyone kind enough to identify this for me?
Thank you!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
My guess - without my book in hand - is a Cabbage White. I might say differently if I had my book. I will check when I get home.
Check out http://www.butterfliesandmoths.org/
check the Image Gallery, and look at white and sulphurs. It is a great source. I use it on top of my books, because the photographs are easier on the eyes than the reference books.
I'm sorry to say I don't know my butterflies except a very few. I know what you mean about trying to get a good photo of them. I was just chasing one around the yard tonight without any success.
Of course, its the bane of Cabbage Patch kids everywhere - a Cabbage White. If you're interested, you might find the little green catepillers on Allyssum and/or any of the cabbage family.
Yep - that's him! I haven't found a perfect butterfly guide yet, so far the best however I used is the Audubon Field Guide for North American Butterflies.
Leedra's link is spot on - I use that site quite often, though more for bugs and dragons...
Cheers, Klaus
Yay, before I clicked on the comments, I was saying "cabbage white" aloud. Nice to know every now and again I can guess correctly! :c) I use the butterfliesandmoths site a good bit too.
OK, good thing it's identified - I have all I can manage for my slowly deteriorating brain to keep learning birds!
Those are good pics Shelley. My cabbage butterflies never sit still anywhere long enough for me to snap a photo.
Shelley, what a delightful nature photo blog!!! Love the pics. Do you think this could be a type of moth?
I have no idea why I can't load on your other blog but my computer has had problems since my last Windows update.
Hugs, JJ
Thank you Leedra for that link!
Thanks to everyone else for helping my feeble brain to identify this butterfly!! :-)
And a nice buddleia! We are supposed to get a killer frost tonight, which I am not happy about.
Hi Shelley!!!
I like the Kaufmans guide.
Hey my husband fiddled with my computer...if this sends it will be a miracle!! Hope you get it!
I've seen them but couldn't have named it. This is one that has never sat still for my camera.
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