This weekend up at our log cabin, I finally got to see my first Pileated Woodpecker! My friend Eddie is always sending me pictures of his 20 Pileateds and making me envious. I shot this photo from inside the cabin because I knew they were notoriously shy and he might fly away as soon as I went outside. (Sure enough he did, but at least I got this one as proof.)
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
Yahoo!!!! Congratulations!!! This is my most favorite bird of all!! I have seen him twice. Once in the U.P. and once last winter in Grayling. I've never seen one near or around my house in lower Michigan but I know they are here from other reports and I am always on the lookout for them. I thought I heard one yesterday when we were kayaking on the river.
Lucky you!!
A beautiful shy bird, challenging subject to photograph.
With a bit of photoshopping you could have made it into an Ivory-billed Woodpecker. No?
Okay, it looks good as it is.
Shelley that's a fabulous picture! I'm so glad you got to see and photograph a pileated. I love the red leaves in the backgroung and the red crest on the woodpecker. Perfect!
Way to go Shelley!!!! My daughter lives in Grayling and has them every year and this summer she had the good fortune to photograph a juvenile. You got a great picture!
Yay! Lucky you - and you did a great job with your "proof!"
Woodpeckers seem to be universal. Ours had the red headdress, but the body is a different colour.
Nice pileated. Lucky you. They are pretty rare in my backyard though.
I'm jealous! I haven't gotten mine yet, and I've been searching for 6 years...great shot!
Jess - thank you!! I bet they are in Grayling too - my hubby's parents have a place there & they said they've seen them!
T&S - you are right about challenging to photograph. I may need a bird blind.
Gallicissa- oh to see an ivory billed and to know whether they are still alive...that would be the birding ultimate!
Bird Girl - thank you so much - I was very excited!
Lynne - thanks! I noticed he was among the matching red fall trees - luck for me!
Gardener - how lucky she saw a juvenile!
Birdlady - Took 10 shots from inside the cabin - need to clean my windows next time!
Hillgrandmom - I think always a treat to see!
Troutbirder - We have vacant heavily wooded lots on either side of our log cabin so I think he feels safe there! Hopefully he comes to visit us again.
Hannibal - I think I've been searching for one as long as you - I hope you see one soon!
Hooray!!! Great "proof" of your sighting. We've been so fortunate to have a pair regularly visiting that I'm always happy someone else has one. They are delightful.
Great picture !!! It's one of those birds that you don't have to look up in the I'm always in a little awe everytime I see them.
Very nice. Pileated are a pretty cool bird but they are pretty hard to photograph. It seems like they are always moving and never stay long in one place. Good job.
Well done Shelley! The best I could get here is one flying past the house...really not the habitat right here. I guess I have to go look at the log cabin blog now...what a wonderful life!!
Great Shot! And I love the matching colors in the photo too!
Yay! Aren't they just glorious?? :c) Congratulations!!
Great photo. Looks like the sunlight is coming right through his 'top hat'. Haven't seen one of these, thanks for sharing.
NC - how wonderful to have a pair! (heavy sigh....)
Richard - you're right - no doubting what that bird is - LOL!
Eco - coming from you - I take that as a big compliment. Now I need to figure out this digiscoping I think...
Eve - thanks so much!
Jayne - their colors & size definitely could be described as glorious!
Leedra - thank you!!
Shelley, at our last place (in 2007) we had three pileateds at once! Aren't they awesome? Your picture is beautiful, as always. I've got some on this page:
(BTW, no package yet, but don't worry, I find things can get hung up in Customs for a few days. I'll let you know as soon as it arrives. Can't wait! :))
Congrats! I've tired unsuccessfully to capture one. They are above and beyond shy.
Congrats on your "catch"! Beautiful picture. I have an award for you on yesterday's blog - just getting around to notifying everyone. Congratulations on your artful birdie pictures!
Shelly: Great job, now this is the one that reminds me of Woody Woodpecker. I've only seen them flying through an area.
Knatolee - thanks for the link! I love them!
Dusty- thank you! I hope this shy one graces me w/ his presence again.
Muse - you are too kind to me - big hugs!!
wow, I love the woodpecker photos!!
I've only ever seen one in my yard.
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