I was hosting a Black-capped chickadee festival this weekend at the log cabin - and I was the only one that brought food! As soon as the snow began falling, it seemed liked the Chickadees got louder with their chickadee dee dee calls! A couple landed on my shoulder and one ate from my hand - it was a great day had by all!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
I still can't get them to land on me. I'm going to try and try and try.
oh Shelley, I just love chickadee's! they are so cute!!
I talk to mine all the time!!
Your photography is awesome, I wish I had a camera that did that! I used to be so into photography, but life got in the way...oh well, I will again some day. I even used to develop my own black and white photo's when I was in high school, I loved the dark room! LOL
Anyway, LOVE your blog!! You are doing such a great job!!
Jill from NY
Sounds and looks like the Chickadee festival went well.You certainly have greatpictures to remember it by.
LOVE the chickadee pictures. They are my favorite bird and your pictures remind me why that is so. He is so cute! I can't even imagine what I would be like if one landed on me. I think it would make my day.
As always, lovely pictures.
Sweet little chickadees!! I had quite a few today as well with all the snow we got here in NW PA. Gotta keep 'em fed now that everythings covered up!
Great photos, I think I like the last one the best.
Shelley, I love those pictures with the snow falling and that Chickadee.. They are such cute little birds.. Ours sing constantly also with their Chick-a-dee-dee-dee songs!!!! They love to sing to me when I'm working outside.
Your photos are SO good; I just sit looking at your blog every time with my mouth hanging open! These little 'dees are so cute and sassy. I've had the good fortune of having them perch on me and take seed from my hand when I lived out West. There was a park where they'd got used to people and came readily. What a thrill! But they are known for showing up at parties empty handed, and rely on their charm to get invited back.
Cute and lovely chickadee!
Great photography with 400D
We knew you could do it Shelley!!
I love the contrast with the snow! Great shots Shelley!
Shelly: What amazing photos of the Chicadees. I love those little birds.
More gorgeous photos. You have a gift, you know! I took the screen out of my office window and am hoping I can get a few decent birds pictures this winter (from the comfort of my desk!) :)
Don't you love feeding chickadees?
They are just the cutest! Enjoy!
Denise - that's all it takes - time & patience! That and not filling the bird feeders for a day and putting the only supply of seeds in your hand! :-)
Jill - glad to find someone who loves the chickadees as much as I do!
Ruth - I have a feeling it will become a weekly event.
Kallen - When the one landed on my shoulder to look at me - I was thrilled for the rest of the weekend!
Michele - I am stocking up on all the birdy treats. On Richard's At the Water blog - he has some good recipes for making your own suet.
Leedra - thank you!
Betsy - Mine always seem to be scolding me to hurry up and get the feeder filled! :-)
Deborah - it is their charm that will get you every time! :-0
Tabib - thank you very much! And also for coming by!
Eve - I'm ready to invite them into the cabin for tea and cookies - ha,ha! your guineas can come too!
Jayne - thanks!
Fishing guy - I sure love them too!
Knatolee - I am already bugging my hubby to take out more screens. Good for you!!
Birdlady - thank you!
GORGEOUS chickadee photos, Shell. Don't love it when a chickadee lands on your hand to feed?
I got crazy one year and threw a Christmas wreath on my head, sprinkled it and my arms with seeds and waited for the chickadees to land, which they did. BUT I wasn't expecting the whole flock of goldfinches!!! My hubby sure had a good laugh. Goldfinches peck harder than chickadees.
Hugs, JJ
Very nice blog Shelley! Great inspiration for us want-to-be's. Thanks for visiting my blog. Glad you came by, I look forward to learning so much from you about capturing, sharing, and loving nature!
Congrats on a chickadee on your hand and shoulder!!! That is a thrill is it not? Love the snow coming down in the photos and of course the chickadees are so cute!
Naturenut - I love that story! And now you're a friend to the finches too! :-0
Birdgirl - thank you! I thought they looked like little angels in the snow!
Craig - thank you - glad to have a fellow nature lover visit! Enjoyed your blog!
Jalynn - I just love feeling their little feet curl around my fingers - it's a beautiful thing!
Sweet, they are so cute.
Definitely winter over there Shelly :-) Very Christmasy feel.
I LOVE that last one. There is something about chickadees in the falling snow! It warms the heart!
And you finally got them to feed from your hand...YEA! They probably thought it was a carnival ride at the festival!
You have captured winter birdwatching at its best! BRAVO!!! Can't speak highly enough of those photos. Chickadees landing on your shoulder in the snow...sounds perfect. Yes, I think you would make a great bed and breakfast!
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