Upon hearing that Shelley would be going out of town to her log cabin for a week:
Richard the Mourning Dove expresses concern - "Well who will feed us? And I like dumping your seed on the ground." I told him he would be fine, there's plenty of other food resources around that will get him by for a week.
Eve, Muse, Tina, Helen and Jayne asked "Well who will keep the birdbath cleaned and filled? Especially after Bob has been in it?"
Ladies, unfortunately you're on your own for that one.
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
Enjoy your cabin, Shelley, and don't worry about the birdies!!!! They will love having your HOME when you get back. When we were in Buffalo recently, I left LOTS of birdseed out in a little house for my birdies... SOMETHING (not BOB) got into it and ate every drop.. The birds couldn't have eaten THAT much--so we think it must have been one of our night critters (like a raccoon). Oh Well--I tried!!!
Shelly: I got worrid when reading that Bob had left town. I'm glad he is still around and looking dandy.
Have fun at the cabin. Richard will just have to fend for himself, now won't he? Least he'll appreciate you more on your return...lol. Have fun!
You really have a nice flock of doves and they sure are dependant on you but have a great time at the cabin anyway. Maybe you can get some shots of the pileated woodpeckers. My daughter doesn't live far from you and has them in her yard.
Poor Bob..he is welcome to come to Buffalo and join the flock here...
Hopfully Bob will find those manners and Richard and the gang will manage to get through without you Shelley! They'll figure it out!!!
Too much fun! Have a great time at the cabin!
hahahaha. Love the photos and hope you have a great time at the cabin..well duh...of course you will.
I very much enjoyed this post!! How cute. Go to the cabin and don't worry, the doves will do just fine!
How will they survive?
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