This is not a snag or an old tree. This is a telephone pole. I thought you would like to see Mrs. Red bellied Woodpecker's handiwork this past year. She's quite talented, don't you think?
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
This is not a snag or an old tree. This is a telephone pole. I thought you would like to see Mrs. Red bellied Woodpecker's handiwork this past year. She's quite talented, don't you think?
Posted by
5:33 AM
Labels: Red-bellied Woodpecker
Ha Ha! She is Shelley...I hope it doesn't make her sick!!! Ha Ha!!
I hope they leave the pole up! Seems every time a woodpecker gets busy, down comes the pole. What a talented girl indeed!
Nice! Just another testament to how resilient and adpatable birds are.
Nicely done - (by both the WP and you!)
That Red-bellied has alot of talent!!! AND---he sure has been BUSY!!!! Hope the pole doesn't fall! We have a Red-bellied who comes to our feeders off and on all day.. (I've only seen one of them.) Anyhow--when I am working outside, he 'chips' at me the whole time.. He thinks he 'owns' our yard I guess. Hope he doesn't chomp on our wooden house!!!! Yipes!
I'd say the bird definately owns that pole and mine is being chipped away by the downies....oh well!
she is at that...and apparently quite proud of her handiwork. what a pretty lass.
Gotta love the handiwork of woody's.
Hi Shelley
I found your wonderful blog through Anna @ nature trail and have been enjoying looking through some of your bird photos! The woodpeckers in our garden have been doing some "decorating" on our lilac bush where we hang the suet :-)
That is probably why all the new poles have a different coating on them than the old poles. Hopefully that is a very old pole so the bird won't get the wrong 'stuff' in his system. Me being who I am (telecommunications supervisor) wonder how far down the wires are. Is this pole still safe to climb? Old, unsafe poles is what made my son decide he did not want to work for Ma Bell (childhood dream).
I really do like the photo, I didn't mean to ramble.
Keeping busy is what its all about..and your little woodpecker seems to king of the pole!
Wow! Busy woodpecker indeed!
P.S. I love the winter cabin thumbnail you are using now when you post comments. That scene is great!
Funny! One ringie dingie, two ringie dingie....
Maybe she's old-school, and thinks she's tapping out Morse code on a telegraph pole?!
Bad woodpecker, but that is what they do. LOL
She's been busy! HA! :D
Eve - she's made it this far! :-0
jayne - It's an old pole - but maybe more of a utility pole w/ all those wires.
Michele - you are right on that!
Birdlady - Mrs. Red belly & I thank you! :-)
Betsy - she's certainly the queen of our yard!
Gardener - sometimes the hairy woodpecker helps her out.
Gina - you noticed her proud face too? :-)
Denise - absolutely!
Deb - welcome and glad you stopped by! Hope your lilacs make it!
Leedra - your info was interesting. The first set of wires is about 3 feet down - and then the next set is about 5. Looks like a tangled mess to me!
Tina - yes - she was on there again this morning hammering away!
Dave - thanks for noticing my thumbnail change! :-)
Muse - how did you know?? :-0
Deborah - LOL! maybe!
B&P - its their full time job!
Daisy - to say the least - ha,ha!
Very talented lady. I wonder how the phone service is though?
I love all your bird pictures and the scenery!!!!
Great picture as always. I saw my first red bellied woodpecker a couple of weeks ago and it was wonderful to see with my own two eyes.
I had no idea they were attracted to old telephone poles. I have one in my yard too and it's still very stable. I have been trying to think of a place to put more suet out and think I now have a place!
those birds are so colorful
i love to see those..
Shelly: Looks like she is having fun on the pole.
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