I've been working on getting the Black-capped Chickadees to eat out of my hand when we are up at our cabin. I'm hoping the quiet wooded setting and my numerous birdfeeders would make them my permanent friend. This morning one grabbed a seed while flying by my hand. My husband says let me try it. Within 2 seconds, they are landing on his head, shoulders and hand to eat seeds. I told him they must know he's my husband. I must admit - I'm a jealous woman now!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
I know how you feel,my husband has all the luck when it comes to things like that.He has had many birds eating from his hand.Oh,well someone has to take the pictures.
You are so lucky, they won't eat out of my hand. Mr. handsome looks good with the chickadee on his shoulder.
Hi Shelley. I'm glad you and your husband are experiencing the fun of hand feeding.
You'll enjoy my next blog update that I'll post later in the week , as it features something along the same theme .. :-)
I must give that a try. The chickadees up at Hasty Brook seem more fearless than here at home.
Wonder if it was a FEMALE Chickadee??? NOW--you really have to worry about him cheating on you!!!!! ha ha ha
Wow... You won't need to go to Hartwick Pines to get the chickadees to land on your hand anymore... You've got them doing it at the cabin!! So cool. I'm jealous!
You think you're jealous? I'm green with envy! Great shots.
It is because he is wearing black and white. They thought he is a large chickadee. I can't even get them to eat the seeds out several ft in front of me.
WOW...it should be a great feeling to have a wild bird sit on your shoulder and even better eating out of your hand....Thomas
That is SO awesome Shelley! He must be a bird whisperer!!
What a guy!!! Such cute photos! He's dressed just like them. :c)
Very cool!
I have ALWAYS wanted that to happen to me! Wow, I'm impressed, he must be a real trustworthy guy for them to do that. Great photos.
Shelly: What a really neat photo of the birds in action. Hubby must be calmer then you.
I've only had that happen once...but what a thrill it is. It's nice you got photos of your husband and the chickadees. Great memories of your times spent at the cabin!! :)
Ruth - I'm still jealous! :-)
Denise - I think it was the fleece - ha,ha.
Nick - looking forward to it!
lynne - I think being in a wooded serence area makes them more relaxed - I bet you could definitely have them doing it at hasty brook!!
birdgirl - greg was stomping around like a proud bird man afterwards. I'm going to have to take away the seed from him - ha,ha!
Betsy - I wish I could tell the difference!
Jess - you're going to have to come to my cabin deck now to feed em!
NC- thank you!
leedra - that's what I thought. Maybe they think he's king of the chickadees - ha,ha!
T&S - definitely magical!
Eve - might be true! I thought I was...darn!
Jayne - I am going to hide his black fleece from him. ha,ha!
birdlady - I thought so too!
sandy - trustworthy he definitely is!
fishing guy - I read your comment to my husband and we both concur - he is calmer than me! I am a little hyper! ha,ha!
Tina - the nuthatches are next on my handfeeding list!
You and your assistant are doing a great job with the bird shots!
That is SOOOO cool! Your man must have that attractive smell. Maybe he secretly rubs seeds in his hands. Good luck!
These are great! When Gordon and I first got together almost 20 years ago, I took him to a conservation area near us where the chickadees would feed from your hand. I have a picture of him with a bird on his hand for the first time. He was enthralled.
That is so cool! I hear Chickadees are the best birds to start with since they are the braver ones! Maybe you can train the migrating ones while they are up there, and when they over-winter down her they will already know how to do it!
how cool!! i love your shots...all so colorful and clear!
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