Some of you are familiar with my St. Francis statue that I use as a bird feeder. Ever since some culprit has beheaded him (Either Bob the Mourning Dove, the squirrel or the tattle tale chipmunk) - I can't decide what to do with him. We can't find St. Francis's head to glue back on (I'm going to check the yard one more time but I think he's been raked up.) So the question is - do I take the chance and get a new St. Francis feeder? Somehow it's not bothering the critters that they are eating from a beheaded saint but I do think my neighbors are worried about me.....
Waterloo Falls
3 days ago
I don't think St. Francis would mind if you kept his statue without the head. The statue is still welcoming and feeding the critters that St Francis so loved.
IN your earlier pictures, the head was there on the ground. Pity it can't be found. But the statue as is still good.
i love that lil fat squirrel enjoying his meal, apparently quite unimpressed that his benefactor is headless. lol
The critters still like it, who cares what the neighbors think?
I have a feeling St. Francis wouldn't mind his headless body used to feed the birds and squirrels. Cute picture.
...since you aren't planning on selling soon... I wouldn't worry about St. Francis.
Just leave it, and if your neighbors freak out tell them you replaced Francis with Ichabod Crane...
Just a wonderful picture of a nice squirrel.. Congrat..
If the birds and squirrels don't mind a 'Headless St. Fraincis'---well---the neighbors shouldn't mind either. I say--Leave it!!!
Some of the most famous sculptures have no head or I vote to keep him, he is serving a great purpose holding all that food!:)
I think you should have a contest. Give your bloggers the dimensions and see who can come up with the best replacement head for poor St. Francis
The critters don't care as long as there is is kind of funny though..
This is truly one of the healthiest squirrels I've ever seen and I love that big fluffy tail and he doesn't even seem to notice that St. Francis is missing a head so I wouldn't worry about it.
Chunky lil squirrel you have here!
It looks like St Francis, head or no head, is feeding your little critter well :)
LOLOLOL Shelley!!! Oh, my, well, I think he can live without it and still perform the task at hand? :c)
Thank you everyone for weighing in on your comments. I'm keeping St. Francis for now - but I'm hoping hubby has a new one on a xmas list for me - I do miss seeing his face.
shelly: At least if you don't make a red blood streak down the front it should work fime.
Oh dear, poor St. Francis! HA HA HA! :D
I think you need to buy another St. Francis, but you also need another head for the headless feeder. But not a St. Francis head! You need, let's see, what scares squirrels? An owl head? A dog head (in particular, my squirrel-munching dog!)? A vulture head?
The funny bit it, my word verification for today is "headit". I kid you not!
Oh Shelley!! I don't know what to do...maybe some crafty person can come up with a head to match him! If you leave him headless...Bob might have a nightmare!!!
Poor St. Francis! I have no solutions for you Shelley, but I sure enjoyed reading all the comments and other suggestions!
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