I believe the flock of Black-capped chickadees that have made my log cabin their territory numbers about 8 birds. But of course they move so fast that I haven't been able to get more than 2 in one shot. I think I'm starting to recognize a couple of individual birds - especially the one that seems to like to land on our shoulder first. He (or she?) is going to need a name. This particular bird is in the photo below. Any ideas?
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
Looks like a "sweet pea" to me!!!
Soon they'll all be eating out of your hands!
"Chip". Like "Chip" on your shoulder...in a good way.
Don't have a name, but I loved the photograph.
Shelly: I think I would name it Beauty. They are a fast bird and don't sit still for long.
There is an award for you on my site if you want it.
Another cutie. I'm hoping to photograph Boreal Chickadees this winter , that reside further North...
SusieQ, she is so pretty. I once had a boss that called me Leedra Lou, no that is not my middle name.
I like 'De De' myself... Or CuDee--like Cudee Pie!!!!
I've thought about catching all my birds and putting numbers on the top of their little heads. At least that way I could count them.
Burt. He looks like a Burt, like Burt Reynolds in his hey-day, minus the MOOStache. Thats all I got...
naming something is so personal..sometimes it is hard sometimes a name pops right up. I will be anxious to see what you name him(her). They definitely are 'sweet' and 'cute' and 'friendly'!
Denise had a good suggestion--I think Chip is a cute name too.
Cute picture! I think of chickadees as fun and playful, so I'll throw in Buster, Chester, and Tim as possibilities. I like Denise's idea of Chip, too.
Hi. Just discovering your blog via thomas one. I should have chexk it out much more earlier... This is a very nice blog and I will come back for sure. THis last pictures i really great.
I like the Bert too!
I am loving all the chickadee pictures you are taking. It has gotten dark out so early that by the time I get home from work, all of them are gone from my feeders.
I am coming here for my fix now.
Cute picture, so cute. How about "Dolce" which means sweet and soft!
Thank you everyone - so many good ones! As I get to know the chickadees I'll have to use more of these. This one will be "sweet pea" (thanks Eve)- the next will be one of the ones you've been kind enough to list here! :-)
Birdy hugs to everybody!
Ahhh thanks Shelley...and they were all very good names! Tell Sweet Pea I said peep!
You have a lot of great suggestions. I think it's a boy chickadee and I would call him Henry.
Although they are quite common I always find chickadees pretty cute and very photogenic. Last winter I got the chance to photograph my first boreal chickadee which was really cool.
looks like oreo to me! how cool that he sits on your shoulder. he is such a pretty thing.
Good choice with "sweet-pea"! One down 7 to go! Ha, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy...and SweetPea!
His or her? face reminds me of the makeup worn by the members of the band KISS! HA! I don't have a name suggestion for you though. :D
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