My Black-capped Chickadees like to use the top of my deck posts as a place to "relieve" themselves. I don't mind cleaning it. It's a good tradeoff in order to enjoy their company. No, that's not my poop.
Out of luck today!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
Poor little guy. You need to get up earlier and clean off the post.
Send me your email address: and I'' send you the recipe for the dough.
another cold pic!
What great timing you have to catch a chickadee landing next to an un-hopped upon post to complete your funny story! Perfect title, too! You made me laugh! Thanks
He's going to have a cold backside trying it in all that snow! HA! :D
Believe it or not, there is a great product called "Poop-off" that makes easy work of this job.
Oh No....snow! Most of my shots of these little guys is "where they were a minute ago". Yours are great!
I can just hear him now saying, "HEY---clean off this post...I need to 'potty'!!" ha ha
White wash..the gift that keeps on giving...
New Rambling Woods Site
LOL... wouldn't you like to be able to read his mind?? :c)
Shelly: I think he was almost caught in the act.
Well I like them closer on the deck so I can get some pics from the living room. My spouse not so much. Actually she banned the feeder there.
They are such a pretty little bird. We had so many at house before this one, but only seen one 2 times here.
haha, that made me chuckle
I have one thing to say's not guinea poop!
Very funny! Whoops...the toilet is full of snow today!
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