This male downy was making me laugh. Never seen a woodpecker so particular about which nuts he was going to eat. In the 2nd photograph he is almost laying in the feeder to get the nuts at the bottom. Gotta love him!
Hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We are up at the log cabin, winter advisory and already shoveled over 2 feet of snow!
Waterloo Falls
4 days ago
A cute little picky eater - he's probably going " not that one, a bug was on it. Not that one, it's got a spot on it...oh here's a good one.
Awesome photo. I love how you were able to show the detail of his beautiful feathers. Such a striking little bird!
Great photographs of this funny little thing. Log cabin, birds, snow. Sounds about perfect.
Oooh, I'd love to be watching the snow fall at a cabin. We're cleaning the basement...Ugh!
Holy snow! 2 feet! I'm glad I'm not shoveling that but I bet it is just beautiful. Your little downy is just the cutest even tho he is picky.
what a pretty thing, he is...and how funny that he wants the nuts on the bottom! snowed in...cabin...i think of roaring fire and all bundled up walking in the woods...enjoying the wildlife...yeah, i could get into that. :) well, except for the shoveling part. lol i'm a lil southern gal and we don't see much snow.
Another silly bird at Shelley's!! Have fun in the snow! Drink lots of SoCo...Oh I'm mean Cocoa!!!
Downys seem to really get into their eating and usually will stay put for me while I snap some shots. This one seems particularly intent and has that tunnel vision thing going. ha ha
Beautiful detail! :)
What a beauty! Very nice catch!
Cheers, Klaus
Oh you lucky lucky girl with all that snow. We haven't seen a flake of snow down here this weekend.
Great downy photos.
Beautiful pictures and a fascinating bird.
I saw a downy this afternoon. I got so excited.
Shelly: Makes you wonder what was going through that birds brain.
He is trying to show he has a nice red spot on his head.
You had a woodpecker there with such cute antics, Shell. ROFL What entertainment. :D Beautiful photos!!!
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. :D
Hugs, JJ
They are picky aren't they...Cute photos of the downy...
I got a picture of my first Downy today, Shelley. I'll feature HER (no red spot) on my blog tomorrow.
Two feet of snow--with more to come???? Yipes!!!! Hope you have plenty of food and don't have to get out in it--other than to walk and take pictures just for ME!!!!
Do you think that's where the older, softer peanuts are? So cute!
I wonder if the weight of the peanuts make it such that the bottom ones don't more and are easier to get at. Just a thought.
Oops...meant to say that the bottom ones don't move.
A cute little boy... Nice that he visited you... The first picture is really a great shot... Congrats..
Hello Shelley!
What an amazing woodpecker photo. I have seen and even photographed a few woodpecker pictures but I have never seen such a perfectly colored one and he looks so fluffy too. I have only had the chance to run into the black and white ones, the red on this one makes him look sureal!
Love those downys. They are always busy busy busy. Thanks for reminding me.
Maybe the bottom nuts has all the bonus goodies from the other nuts! Very weird...but cute! I always go for the Doritos at the bottom of the bag. I'm just saying...
So incredible for me to see such kind of picture ! I've no woodpecker in my feeder in the place where i live ... You're so lucky !
What's up with that?? Silly Downy.
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